6 research outputs found

    Особенности полиморфизма генов вирулентности Helicobacter pylori и генов ИЛ-1 при язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, ассоциированной с Helicobacter pylori

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    The prevalence of H.pylori virulence genes (iceA, cagA, babA2, vacA) as well as the distribution of the IL-1 genes was studied in patients with H.pylori-associated gastric and duodenal ulcer disease. VacA s1/m2 iceA1 cagA+ и vacA s1/m2 iceA1 cagA+ babA2 genotypes of H. pylori were shown to be prevalent in the clinic isolates. Four patients were found to be infected with Ureaplasma urealyticum. The combination of the IL‑1B ‑511*Т / IL‑1B +3954*C / IL-1RN*2 alleles was shown to be prevalent among the patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer disease. The correlation between the H. pylori genotypes, the IL-1 genes and the peculiarities of ulcer disease was not found.Исследовали особенности распределения генов вирулентности (iceA, cagA, babA2, vacA) и генов ИЛ-1 в клинических изолятах Helicobacter pylori (H.p.), полученных от пациентов с эндоскопически подтвержденными диагнозами язвенной болезни двенадцатиперстной кишки (ЯБД) и язвенной болезни желудка (ЯБЖ). Обнаружено, что в биоптатах превалируют штаммы H.p. с генотипом vacA s1/m2 iceA1 cagA+ и vacA s1/m2 iceA1 cagA+ babA2. При этом у больных ЯБЖ и ЯБД наиболее часто встречается комбинация аллелей IL‑1B‑511*Т/IL‑1B +3954*C/IL-1RN*2. У 4 пациентов в биоптатах обнаружены микоплазмы (Ureaplasma urealyticum). Связь между разновидностью комбинации генов вирулентности H.p., генов ИЛ-1 и особенностью течения язвенной болезни не установлена


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    Due to high risk of bacterial complications in children with viral tonsillopharyngitis as an ambulatory preventive treatment the topic antiseptic drugs are frequently used. These drugs contribute to prolongation of normal microflora restoration in reconvalescents. The observed clinical observation showed the equal efficacy (according to dynamics of severity and duration of subjective viral respiratory tract infections complaints in children) of oropharynx mucous membrane instillations with elimination spray, prepared on the base of natural hypertonic sea water with herbal extracts, and topic drugs consisting hexetidine. However the wider range of action contributed to normalization of pharyngoscopic picture at the average of 1,5 days earlier, than during hexetidine treatment. Received data allow recommending spray with natural hypertonic sea water and chamomile and aloe extracts as the first-line drugs in ambulatory treatment of non-complicated viral tonsillopharyngitis in children


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    Due to high risk of bacterial complications in children with viral tonsillopharyngitis as an ambulatory preventive treatment the topic antiseptic drugs are frequently used. These drugs contribute to prolongation of normal microflora restoration in reconvalescents. The observed clinical observation showed the equal efficacy (according to dynamics of severity and duration of subjective viral respiratory tract infections complaints in children) of oropharynx mucous membrane instillations with elimination spray, prepared on the base of natural hypertonic sea water with herbal extracts, and topic drugs consisting hexetidine. However the wider range of action contributed to normalization of pharyngoscopic picture at the average of 1,5 days earlier, than during hexetidine treatment. Received data allow recommending spray with natural hypertonic sea water and chamomile and aloe extracts as the first-line drugs in ambulatory treatment of non-complicated viral tonsillopharyngitis in children. Из-за высокого риска развития бактериальных осложнений у детей с вирусными тонзиллофарингитами в домашних условиях часто превентивно назначают топические антисептические средства, способствующие удлинению периода восстановления нормальной микрофлоры у реконвалесцентов. Проведенное клиническое наблюдение показало, что динамика выраженности и длительности субъективных симптомов ОРВИ у детей при орошении слизистой оболочки ротоглотки элиминационным спреем, приготовленным на основе натуральной гипертонической морской воды с растительными экстрактами, сопоставима с эффективностью аэрозоля для местного применения, содержащего гексетидин. Однако, более широкий спектр действия способствовал нормализации фарингоскопической картины в среднем на 1,5 дня раньше, чем при назначении гексетидина. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать спрей из натуральной гипертонической морской воды с ромашкой и алоэ в качестве стартового препарата для местной терапии неосложненных вирусных тонзиллофарингитов у детей в амбулаторных условиях.

    Associations of adiponectin with metabolic and vascular risk parameters in the British Regional Heart Study reveal stronger links to insulin resistance-related than to coronory heart disease risk-related parameters

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    Background and aim: Adiponectin is considered by many to be part of the 'common soil' linking type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease (CHD). We examined the relationship between adiponectin and insulin resistance, metabolic, inflammatory and haemostatic risk factors and hepatic function.Methods and results: The study was carried out in 3640 non-diabetic men aged 60-79 years drawn from general practices in 24 British towns and who were not on warfarin. Adiponectin was associated with waist circumference (inversely), alcohol intake (positively) and physical activity (nonlinearly); no association was seen with cigarette smoking, prevalent CHD or stroke. After adjustment for these factors, adiponectin was significantly inversely associated with insulin resistance, triglyceride, C-reactive protein (but not interleukin 6), tissue plasminogen activator and alanine aminotransferase and positively associated with highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) and Factor VIII, factors associated with diabetes. No association was seen with cholesterol, smoking, systolic blood pressure or coagulation factors. Risk of the metabolic syndrome decreased significantly with increasing adiponectin.Conclusion: Adiponectin is inversely associated with factors strongly associated with the development of diabetes. Limited associations with the established major risk factors for CHD suggest adiponectin may be a stronger marker of risk for diabetes than for CHD